Address: 12500 Bee Caves Rd. Austin, TX 78738
Phone: 512 402 1501
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A Retainer After Invisalign

I am on my final pair of aligners for my Invisalign treatment. I’ve just got a promotion that requires immediate relocation. It’s the job of my dreams so I don’t want to pass on it. Can I just finish these aligners and be done or will I need to find an Invisalign dentist right away […]


Invisalign for an Overbite?

I don’t know what it is called for my daughter whether she has an over bite or something else. Her smile makes it look like she has a receding chin. She’s very embarrassed by her smile. A lot of her friends are getting Invisalign. Will that help her situation? Karen Dear Karen, Whether Invisalign will […]