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Will a Dental Flipper Make My Teeth Look Straight?

I am 42 years old, which is way too old for glasses and a mouth full of metal. I wonder if you think that a dental flipper will at least help my teeth to look straight. They snap over the teeth and could at least improve how they look.


Dear Jane,

dental flipper I am glad you wrote. A dental flipper does not go over teeth. Instead it fills in a space for a missing tooth. They are often used as temporary tooth replacements while patients wait or save up for a better option. What you are probably thinking of is a Snap-on smile.

While this does snap over your teeth, I do not believe it is going to give you the result you are hoping for. First, it will look bulky because it snaps over your teeth. It also will not look very natural, especially up close because it is made of acrylic.

Alternatives to Braces

Image of Invisalign aligners
Invisalign aligners

You may not be aware that you no longer have to wear metal braces any longer to straighten your teeth. In fact, you can now completely straighten your teeth without anyone even knowing your are wearing orthodontics. Two options for this are Invisalign and Spark Aligners.

Both of these options have advantages over traditional braces. Here are just some of them:

  • They work in half the time of braces.
  • They are much more comfortable.
  • There are no limitations on what you can eat.

I’d look at these options before something like Snap-on smile, which you’d have to replace every few years.

This blog is brought to you by Bee Cave Orthodontist Dr. Tostado.