Straightening Teeth at 40
How do I get straight teeth at forty years of age? I really do not want something like braces at my age. I am way too old to be a metal mouth.
Dear Sandy,
I have great news for you. First, forty is not old. Seriously. You have many wonderful years ahead of you. Plus, you will not have to wear a mouth full of metal. There are tremendous advancements in orthodontics.
You can now straighten your teeth without anyone even knowing. There are a couple of procedures now available that use clear aligners instead of metal wires and brackets.
The first is Invisalign. The second is Spark Aligners.
Both procedures are more efficient than braces. The entire procedure will be done in a fraction of the time, too. Before you know it, you will be enjoying a gorgeous smile and no one will even know what happened.
This blog is brought to you by Lake Travis Orthodontics Dr. Alberto Tostado.