Address: 12500 Bee Caves Rd. Austin, TX 78738
Phone: 512 402 1501
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Can I Switch Invisalign Dentists in the Middle of My Procedure?

I have a question about the possibility of switching dentists. I come for a small city. Very few of our dentists do any of what they call “cosmetic frills,” such as Invisalign. I picked the one closest to my home who does. I am about a 1/3 of the way through tthe treatment. The treatment […]


Wisdom Tooth Removal for Braces

I’m getting braces and my dentist wants me to have my two upper wisdom teeth removed in order to do it. I am worried about that. Here is some background. I am in my early 20s. I have a missing right incisor that never came in. My canine is taking up the missing space. I’m […]