Address: 12500 Bee Caves Rd. Austin, TX 78738
Phone: 512 402 1501
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Background plant image Bee Cave Fastbraces

You can straighten your teeth faster, more comfortably, and with less expense than traditional braces with Fastbraces®, an innovative brand of orthodontics. While Fastbraces are appropriate for a limited number of cases, they may be right for you. If you are interested, Dr. Alberto Tostado will answer any of your questions and give you his opinion about whether or not they will work well for you.

What Are Fastbraces?

Fastbraces are an orthodontic treatment alternative to traditional braces. Developed by orthodontist Dr. Anthony Viazis in the early 1990s, Fastbraces uses triangular clear or metal brackets and a high-tech wire system. This design moves the tooth crown and root simultaneously for faster treatment times than traditional braces.

Fastbraces can correct the following concerns:

  • Bite misalignment
  • Crowding
  • Spacing

How Do Fastbraces Work?

Fastbraces use a patented triangular bracket and a specially shaped wire to move the crown and root simultaneously. In contrast, traditional braces move teeth in two stages: crown alignment and tooth root adjustment. Fastbraces provide faster, more efficient tooth movement, reducing treatment time.

What Is the Treatment Time for Fastbraces?

Before and after Fastbraces open bite photos
Fastbraces can deliver noticeable changes in as few as 100 days. However, your treatment length depends on the complexity of your case. Still, Fastbraces treatment is often much shorter than traditional braces.

How Do Fastbraces and Invisalign Compare?

Fastbraces and Invisalign are both popular orthodontic treatment options but have notable differences.


  • Triangular clear or metal brackets and wire move your teeth.
  • Fastbraces can provide results as quickly as or faster than Invisalign.
  • The braces are nonremovable.


  • A series of clear custom aligners move your teeth.
  • Invisalign gradually shifts teeth but works in half the time of traditional braces.
  • You remove the aligners when you eat, brush, and floss.

Your choice of Fastbraces, Invisalign, or other orthodontic systems that Dr. Tostado offers depends on your needs and preferences. Dr. Tostado will present for you all your options and the pros and cons of each choice.

What Can You Eat While Wearing Fastbraces?

Fastbraces only partially limit what you can eat. Feel free to enjoy healthy, nutritious foods that are low in sugar and support oral and overall health. However, avoid foods that can damage the brackets or wire or make it challenging to keep your teeth clean:

  • Chewy
  • Crunchy
  • Sticky

 How Much Do Fastbraces Cost?

Since the treatment time is shorter, Fastbraces are generally more affordable than other orthodontic options. Still, the cost varies depending on your case’s complexity and the treatment plan that Dr. Tostado recommends.

Request a Fastbraces Consultation

If you want efficient, comfortable orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth faster than traditional braces, Fastbraces may be a solution. Your initial appointment is a complimentary consultation where Dr. Tostado will sit down with you, look at your teeth, discuss your options, and answer your questions. Call us or complete our appointment request form.