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Can I Still Get My Braces Out if New Teeth Are Coming In?

I am supposed to get my braces off in one month. I just realized I have some back teeth coming in. Will that mean I can’t get my braces off? Do I need to call the orthodontist right away so he can get braces on them? Would this be an emergency or do I just wait for my next appointment?


Dear Brandy,

Young woman with braces


The good news is that you are not dealing with an orthodontic emergency. Everything is intact. My guess is that your orthodontist took x-rays before your case was planned. If so, he would have known that you had more teeth coming in and when they could be expected.

As long as your new adult teeth are coming in straight, then you should not have any problems. As long as all your teeth are erupted and straight there should not be any problems with you having your braces removed.

It will be important that you wear a retainer once your braces are removed. Doing that, will help your teeth to stay in their proper position even while the new teeth are coming in.

I would not call the orthodontist to go in early, but just bring it up at your next appointment.

I hope this puts your mind at ease. I’m excited you’ll be getting your braces off soon. It’s always fun to have a brand new smile.

This blog is brought to you by Bee Cave Orthodontist Dr. Alberto Tostado.