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Invisalign for an Overbite?

I don’t know what it is called for my daughter whether she has an over bite or something else. Her smile makes it look like she has a receding chin. She’s very embarrassed by her smile. A lot of her friends are getting Invisalign. Will that help her situation?


Dear Karen,

Teenage boy wearing coral shirt smiling with braces, for information on affordable braces in Bee Cave.

Whether Invisalign will work for your daughter will depend on how bad her overbite is. It sounds like she has some rather complicating factors. I would not just go to a dentist for this. I would go to an orthodontist who also does either Invisalign or Spark aligners, which are two great brands of clear aligners. While a general dentist can do Invisalign, only an orthodontist can do Spark.

Given your daughter’s complicated situation, I would expect that she will need that additional training in order to receive the proper treatment. Be aware I haven’t seen your daughter’s bite or read any diagnostic notes from your dentist, so it is hard to give you any concrete treatment suggestion.

Based on what you described, her treatment could range anywhere from simple clear aligners, to traditional braces, all the way to the need for surgical orthodontics. This is why it is important she is seen by someone with real expertise.

The good news is, regardless of the situation, her bite CAN be fixed and she can have a smile she is proud to share with the world. Step one is get her to an orthodontist who handles a variety of treatment options.

This blog is brought to you by Bee Cave Orthodontist Dr. Alberto Tostado.