Address: 12500 Bee Caves Rd. Austin, TX 78738
Phone: 512 402 1501
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My Front Teeth Are Too Big

I have a problem with my two front teeth looking way too big and long. They also stick out in front of the rest of my teeth. Everytime I look in the mirror, I feel like I look like a beaver. I don’t know what to do with them. My dentist suggested either braces, which won’t really change how long they are or removing them and putting dental implants in the area. What do you think?


Dear Sandra,

Traditional Braces next to Invisalign
Braces Versus Invisalign

Please do not have your teeth taken out. There is a much simpler solution for your situation. Bear in mind that I haven’t actually examined you. Going just on what you described, I would have the teeth shaved down a bit on the biting edges as well as the sides. This can be done with diamond burs and diamond strips.

After that is complete, you can have an Invisalign or Spark Aligners procedure done. Both of these systems use clear aligners to straighten your teeth. These are not visible even at a conversational distance. They will also straighten your teeth in about half the time as traditional braces will.

Combining these two procedures means that you can get rid of the Beaver look without having to get rid of the teeth themselves! Find a great orthodontist who can do an in-person exam you and give you their recommendation.

This blog is brought to you by Bee Cave Orthodontist Dr. Alberto Tostado.