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Tooth Knocked Backward

I had a fall that ended up knocking a tooth backward. The root of the tooth went forward so far that it is now sticking out into my upper lip. While my dentist was able to even out the visible  part of the teeth, the protruding root is still a problem. It hurts my gums and I can feel it in my nose. It is really uncomfortable. Is there a way to get this root back into its original position. My dentist insists that nothing can be done, but this is so uncomfortable, I am hoping you might know something he doesn’t.


Dear Pamela,

Young woman with long, wavy dark hair and braces smiling, from Lake Travis Orthodontics in Bee Cave.

There is definitely a way to get this root back in place. Truthfully, your dentist could have crunched this all back into its proper place, if he had done it right away. However, you just have to go with what you have to work with now. Yes, this can be dealt with. However, at this point, you have to wait until the area is completely healed. Once that has taken place, then you can go to an orthodontist and they can move the tooth root back.

This can be done by wearing braces on the area temporarily. It would not take as long braces normally would. There are several options for adult orthodontics. Be aware that it is possible that you will need a root canal treatment eventually. Just make sure the dentist does not leave any gutta percha or root canal cement in the crown of your tooth when they do it or your tooth will discolor much more quickly.

This blog is brought to you by Bee Cave Orthodontist Dr. Alberto Tostado.